Step-By-Step Simple Poses: Yoga For Beginners

By Thaya Kareeson

Yoga has been around for thousands of years. It has been studied extensively by scientists and has been shown to have great health benefits. If you are interested in learning some yoga for beginners, this article will show you five simple poses you can easily incorporate into your daily life.

The first pose is called Easy Yoga Pose. You often see people meditating in this position. To begin, sit on your bottom with your legs crossed in front of you (knees bent). Put one foot towards your groin and the other on the floor. Sit up nice and tall, stretching your spine. Relax your shoulders. This should feel quite comfortable.

Vrksasana is known in English as the Tree Pose. The Tree Pose is started from a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be in prayer position with your fingertips pointing upward. Keeping your pelvis level, bring your right foot and leg up the inside of your left leg, stopping when you get to the inside of your thigh (or until you cannot go any higher without pain). Balance. Repeat the pose with your other leg starting from the beginning position.

Adho Mukha Svansana, otherwise known as Downward-Facing Dog, will stretch your entire body. Start by getting down on all fours, hands and knees aligned with your shoulders and hips. Your back is flat. Next, bring your hands back towards your feet, raising your backside up towards the ceiling and straightening out your legs. You will look like a triangle (inverted). Hang your head, take your shoulders out of your ears and relax them (beginners tend to scrunch their shoulders towards their ears). Do not invert yourself farther than you can go without pain.

Child's Pose is done from the Downward-Facing Dog Pose, spread your knees and then bring your stomach towards the ground. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Of, if that is uncomfortable, put your arms down alongside of your body with your fingers pointing at your toes. Stay in this position for as long as you like.

Cat/Cow Pose is another stretching pose. Get onto your hands and knees as if you were going to do the Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Your toes should be bent under and pointing towards your head. Shoulders should be relaxed. Drop your belly low towards the ground. It is not necessary to touch your belly to the ground. Keep your hands and knees aligned with your shoulders and hips. Next, arch your back towards the ceiling getting a good stretch. Come back to the beginning.

From a standing position with your hands in prayer position and your feet apart, go slowly into a squatting position. Your elbows will be at the inside of your knees slightly pressing outward. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Spine should be straight, no hunching. Remain like this for five breaths.

That was not too bad, now was it? How do you feel? Undoubtedly you feel much more centered and relaxed than you did before we started the yoga poses. Yoga for beginners is really quite satisfying and makes you feel great. Keep up your practice and you will notice yourself getting more and more flexible and strong. Maybe there is a yoga class in your town you could join so you can keep adding to your repertoire of poses. - 29874

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