Learning Salsa Is Exercise And Dance In One!

By Jennifer Ramos

Salsa is the epitome of a Latin beat. If you can count to 8 then you can dance salsa. First start listening to Salsa music for the classic 4/4 rhythm. Count the beats until you can identify a set of two 4 beat rhythms.

Salsa involves a pair of dancers who intricately moves their arms and legs. This dance is very prominent to the majority of the population. A beat is skipped in the usual four-beat form using three steps in making salsa patterns. The name of the dance came from the Spanish word "salsa" which means sauce in English. This is because of the dance moves and techniques involved in salsa, which would be described as pungent and passionate.

The process of studying salsa dance is simple. Basically, you start out by executing certain dance patterns and outlining it to four-beat music. After that, you then study the 7 FUNDAMENTAL STEPS in learning HOW TO DANCE SALSA:

On the first count, step with your left foot.

Next, step with your right and left foot on the counts 2 and 3.

Then pause at the fourth count or you could optionally tap your right foot. At the counts 5, 6, and 7, step with your right foot behind you, step in place with your left and bring your right back to center and pause.

Remember that each step requires a full weight transfer.

Finally on the eighth count, exhibit another pause.

Remember that each step requires a full weight transfer.

You can also try wide variety of salsa dance styles according to unique step patterns, music and beat.

Anyone can be a dancer of salsa with its simple patterns. Nonetheless, improvement must always be present. Grace must be practiced in order to be blended with your moves. By doing so, you would get good effects on your dance. Dexterity would then be developed. There are different beats, patterns, and music which are variations of salsa. The elegant Cuban salsa would be one good example of a salsa variation. The Los Angeles style of salsa would also be another good comparison. Take your pick on which one to master!

Salsa would help you maintain a fit figure and also have a good exercise plan (which saves you gym expenses). That is just a part of its benefits. It also gives you new friends when you interact with a partner, gain self-confidence better, and acquire skills. This dance could even change the way you look in life!

There are still a few things which you must make sure to be covered s you go on and study the field of salsa:

Enrol in a salsa dance class or private lessons.

Look for an effective teacher that has a style you think you could learn much.

Choose attire you find most comfortable.

Choose attire you find comfortable.

Keep motivated and enjoy what you are doing.

Keep practicing because it enhances your skill and upgrades your interest for it.

Exercise can now be experienced at its best with salsa! Forget jogging, weightlifting, stretching, and the stressful stuff. Learn salsa now. - 29874

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